Your connection with New Beginnings includes the following but is not limited to these areas:
- A Bishop who covenants to pray for you and your ministry.
- A covering to those pastors needing accountability and a support system.
- A context in which mutual transparency is encouraged.
- A safe place for you to share your heart and concerns that affect you, your family, and your ministry.
- When necessary during challenging time, Bishop Leach and his wife will spend time specifically with pastoral families to serve and minister individually to your needs.
- A commitment to come into your local church, by your invitation, to minister to your congregation, or to assist with leadership training and development.
- The providing of resources to assist you in training and equipping your leaders, as well as your own personal growth and development as senior pastor.
- If requested, assistance in preparing your ministers and deacons, for ordination.
- Provide resources and training for developing a premarital program in your local church.
- A monthly Pastor’s Connection Call for Senior Pastors and Assistant Pastors led by Bishop Leach.
- At no time will your connection with New Beginnings sabotage or undermine your authority as pastor. You are the pastor to your people, and this boundary will not be crossed.
- We will provide a context for fellowship and networking with other pastors, churches, and ministries of like faith and purpose.
- A Membership certificate.