New Beginnings Fellowship is a 501(c)(3) network of independent churches that comes together for the purposes of fellowship, to provide covering for pastors and/or churches who desire and understand the principle of accountability, to provide a context for assistance in training and leadership development, and to create a network for economic empowerment for ministries and pastors. New Beginnings is not a denomination or reformation.
One of the models of ministry in the 21st century is understanding that there is a different paradigm by which churches and ministries connect that do not follow the traditional hierarchical system which is characteristic of how pastors and churches connect.
It is important that each pastor and their local congregation is able to maintain their identity as a local assembly without fearing the abuse that has often been associated with hierarchical systems.
In no way does your connection with New Beginnings negate your connection with another reformation, if this is your desire. However, it is expected that you will attend the annual conference in October of each year. This is a three-day meeting where we come together for fellowship, a time of accountability, and to showcase various ministries within our local churches.
Each pastor is asked to designate a person in their local church to facilitate the registration process for the annual conference. Registration forms will be emailed to each church for the October conference.
Each church will be asked to submit a report at the time of the conference. A minimum report is $250. These funds are used to offset the cost for conference expenses and to support an emergency assistance fund for churches in good standing.
The emergency assistance fund is intended to assist NB Fellowship churches, during time of crisis.